Patient Group Minutes: February 2024

The minutes of the February 2024 Patient Group meeting are below.



17th February 2024 10:30am

Location: Headlands Surgery, Kettering


Peter Woolliscroft - PPG Chair
Alice Grant - Patient Services Manager
Pauline Brand - Co-Secretary/Deputy Chair
Violet Connellan - Co-Secretary
Hugh Macdonald - PPG Member
Philippa Leech - PPG Member
Peter Key - PPG Member
Gill Poppleton - PPG Member
Margaret Woodcock - PPG Member
Nick Manns - PPG Member
Valerie Peel - PPG Member


Oonagh Bryant - PPG Member
Zoe Campbell - PPG Member
Tony Morgan - PPG Member
Jayne Robinson - PPG Member

1. Welcome and Introduction

  • The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting 

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

  • The minutes of the last meeting on 24th January 2024 were approved with minor amendments.  Action Point Minor amendments completed.

3. Matters Arising

  • Noted that the newsletter would be distributed at the end of the month.  
  • The information Running Board was on order and should be delivered soon.
  • Action Point: N/A

4. Practice Update

  • AG reported that Anima had been in operation for two weeks. Feedback from patients had been very positive. There were some negative reactions to the length of the questionnaire, otherwise patients were pleased at the way and timescale in which  they received a response.
  • This was illustrated by the fact that everyone who had submitted to Anima during last week 
  • (except for those received on Friday pm) had received a response. Noted that an automated text messaging service (MJOG) is in operation which means that when the GP has completed a case, the patient receives a text containing the Friends and Family Test.
  • There are still some processes that require to be embedded and further training will be provided for the reception staff. PPG members related some of their own experiences which  were positive with members satisfied with the response time. AG noted that any patients having difficulty with the system can still ring the surgery. 
  • Discussion ensued regarding the system for notifying patients of their test results. All test results are seen by a GP who will rank them in order of urgency. For example, a patient with a result showing low sodium will be dealt with immediately while a patient with only a minor abnormality may wait 2 weeks. Some patients will feel anxious  even if they are told that there is no urgency for them to see the GP. The PPG discussed how results might be communicated to individuals to demonstrate that there was no need for patients to be anxious. It was felt this was an area that could be explored further once the Communications sub-group was established.
  • Action point Discussion regarding messages for test results to be discussed at the Communications subgroup

5. Forward Planning

Coffee morning themes

PW had attended a meeting of Lakeside PPG chairs where another PPG explained how they had been fund raising with help from Tesco. There was some discussion regarding the issues that might be involved  (i.e. the  need for a bank account/signatories) and how any monies could be spent.  It was felt the PPG required more information. PB suggested holding a drop-in session which would be hosted by the PPG and a member of the KGH Council of Governors. There was some discussion regarding the pros and cons of such an event.

Sub-group ideas


Other activities

This will be discussed at the next PPG meeting


The PPG will think about surveys. PK reported that there were negative posts regarding the surgery on a Kettering Community Board. PB reported there were also negative comments on another FB site.AG noted that the surgery is  making great progress. PPG members agreed that the positive issues need to be promoted.

Action point: Fund raising. AG will contact the Practice Manager and ask for more details.

PB will explore the logistics of holding a joint PPG and KGH Governor session.

Surveys, subgroup ideas and other activities  will be explored at the next PPG.

6. AOB

PW distributed some balanced score card statistics from the Lakeside Group for information. This generated some discussion.

Action points: Further discussion regarding these statistics will be scheduled for a later date

Date and time of next meeting Thursday 28th March 2pm.