Patient Group Meeting Minutes: June 2024

The minutes of the June 2024 Patient Group meeting are below.


5th June 2024 10:30am

Location: Headlands Surgery, Kettering


Alice Grant - Patient Services Manager
Pauline Brand - Co-Secretary/Deputy Chair
Violet Connellan - Co-Secretary
Hugh Macdonald - PPG Member
Peter Key - PPG Member 
Oonagh Bryant - PPG Member
Gill Poppleton - PPG Member
Nick Manns - PPG Member
Valerie Peel - PPG Member


Peter Woolliscroft - PPG Chair
Tony Morgan - PPG Member
Margaret Woodcock - PPG Member

1. Welcome and Introduction

  • PW (Chair)  is still unwell therefore PB chaired the meeting and welcomed members who all sent PW their best wishes for a speedy recovery.    

2. Minutes of Previous Meeting

  • There was an item from the 28 March that required an amendment regarding travel advice.  
  • An issue from the minutes of April 23 required amendment to remove the name of  a medical company.
  • Amended and minutes from both meetings approved.

 Action Points:

  • Minor amendments completed.

3. Matters Arising

  • PPG had requested that the Communications Officer attend the meeting on the 22 May (meeting cancelled) and 5 June.  However, AG informed the group that due to the meeting dates being changed there was not enough notice for the Communications Officer to be able to attend the meeting on the 5 June.  It was agreed that the PPG would send a list of the type of information and advice required so that the Communications Officer can attend the meeting prepared.  AG  will try to arrange a date for the Officer to attend a PPG meeting when possible.
  • It was noted that nothing new has been entered on the Web Site and dates of meeting, events etc need to be on there.  The names of the PPG Members are not yet listed and there is nothing about new members which have recently been recruited.  PB said that this was now an urgent issue. AG will chase this up.
  • NM reported that he had visited the Gurdwara in Kings Street to inform the Sikh community about the Headlands PPG but had not been able to speak to anybody.  However, he did drop off a letter which he had constructed using information from the Headlands Web Site.  A copy was circulated to the meeting.  Nick was thanked by the Group for his efforts.  AG suggested adapting the letter to cover all religions/languages and be more generic.  Various languages were discussed by the Group.  AG  will email a PDF template to PB.

Action Points:

  • AG to arrange for Communications Officer to attend a future PPG Meeting.
  • PPG to provide a list of information required by them.
  • AG will check on entries on web site.
  • AG  to email a PDF to PB regarding the various languages required for the letter constructed by NM.

4. Main Agenda

  • Fundraising Progress – Date set for Coffee Morning to be Saturday 14 September from 10.30 to 1 pm .Fundraising ideas will be launched then, and some activities undertaken.  It is hoped that prior to this date the Communications Officer will have attended a PPG meeting to give the Group the benefit of her previous fundraising experience.  AG will send a copy of a poster to PB.  AG informed the Group that social media was especially useful in publicising fundraising events and links with the Northamptonshire Telegraph could be helpful.  The Group needs to have the publicity available by the 1st Monday in the month which is the 5 August.  HF
  • HM  suggested that the Rotary Club and the Lions could be approached regarding publicity and PK agreed to contact them.
  • OB will investigate whether the magazine 4 Locals would carry an advert.
  • HF will email PB details regarding a magazine which in his experience would be beneficial to advertise in.  i.e. Northamptonshire Community Foundation.

A suggestion was made that we could have a QR code for Go Fund Me.  This was discussed and AG  agreed to bring her laptop to the next meeting to set up a Go Fund Me page.

Further discussion regarding the Coffee Morning took place and it was agreed that as part of the fundraising we would have a book sale of donated books. Additionally, there would be a name the Teddy and Guess the number of Jellybeans activity. These would be at reception for patients to guess when in the surgery. AG would provide the Teddy and Jellybeans. The price for each entry. It was agreed that fifty pence would be a suitable amount for guessing the Teddy’s name and the same for the Jellybeans.  PK agreed to look up raffle ticket sale rules.  Due to health and safety regulations a cake stall was ruled out.  A jumble sale/retro stall and a toy sale will happen at a later date.

AG  to create a poster asking patients for book donations. She will also arrange for storage of the donated books.

Action Points:

  • PPG to have publicity ready for 5 August 2024
  • PK  to contact Rotary and Lions
  • OB to contact 4 Locals
  • HF to email details of the Northamptonshire Community Foundation to PB
  • AG to bring laptop to next meeting on 12 July to set up Go Fund Me.
  • AG to create a poster asking patients to donate books and arrange storage for books.
  • PK to check on raffle ticket sale rules
  • AG  to check with Communication Officer regarding a poster she is designing for the PPG.
  • AG to provide Teddy and Jellybeans

5. Communications from the Agenda continued

  • The Suggestion Box has been purchased and it has been suggested that it will be situated on the wall at the front desk.  The handyman will attach it. AG  informed the Group that Post Cards to promote the PPG are cost prohibitive. PB suggested  we could make our own using NM text and that these could be left  at Reception.  PB will work on this for the next meeting.
  • It was agreed that the PPG notice Board’s position in the waiting room could be more prominent, but its clarity was dependent on the position the patient was sitting.  AG  will allocate Faith to help with updating the notice board on the 5 August at 2 pm.  NM will join PB on that day to try to incorporate some colour on the board.
  • The PPG email address was discussed which is The password has been updated.
  • We are still waiting for the Banner/Electronic Board but the cost of this is very high.  HF thought he might know somebody who would contribute to sponsorship.  HF will enquire and report back at the next meeting.
  • PB said that the pop-up banner  which had been discussed at the PPG meeting on 9th October 2023 had not materialised. AG will  chase up.

Action Points:

  • PB to work on ideas for postcard for next meeting
  • PB  and NM  to work on Notice Board on the 5 August
  • AG to chase up the pop-up banner.

6. Communication with Patients

  • AG informed the meeting that the text messages sent out have been changed to give them more clarity, but it is not possible to name the patient in the text if it is an automated text. The problem can arise when patients share the same mobile.  If there is a cause for concern, then a GP will phone the patient direct.
  • The Practice pharmacist will be invited to a future PPG meeting at the suggestion of PB .This will clarify the role.
  • The stats presented at a recent meeting by AG were discussed but need further discussion because they do not compare like with like.  AG  will bring the stats from April, May, and June to the next meeting so that comparisons can be made within Headlands Surgery.
  • The Survey and Anima are to be held over to the next meeting due to lack of time.

Action Points: 

  • AG will invite the Pharmacist to a future meeting
  • AG  will bring April, May, and June Headlands sats to next PPG meeting


  • AG informed the Group that the coffee, tea, and biscuits for the Coffee Morning will be provided by the Practice

Action Points:

  • AG  to provide tea,  coffee and biscuits for the coffee morning in September

Meeting closed at 3.40pm

Date and time of next meeting Friday 12th July 1pm.