Patient Group Meeting Minutes: October 2024

The minutes of the October 2024 Patient Group meeting are below.


4th October 2024 10:30am

Location: Headlands Surgery, Kettering


Peter Woolliscroft (Chair)
Pauline Brand (Deputy Chair and Co-Secretary)
Oonagh Bryant (PPG member)
Nick Manns (PPG member)
Hugh Macdonald (PPG Member)
Tony Morgan (PPG Member)
Peter Key (PPG Member)
Margaret Woodcock (PPG member)
Natalie Harrison ( Management Support)
Faith Dougall (Receptionist and QOF Administrator)

1. Welcome and Introduction

  • The Chair welcomed everyone to the meeting.  

2. Apologies

  • Apologies were received from Alice Grant, Violet Connellan and Valerie Peel.

3. Minutes of Previous Meeting

  • The minutes of the last meeting held on the  27th  of August 2024 were accepted as a correct record.

4. Matters Arising/Action Log

  • Fund raising event -will be addressed in item 6.
  • PPG email-NH is happy to set up a new PPG email today and will send details to PW and PB.
  • Practice Newsletter-this item will be reviewed at the PPG meeting on November 12th.
  • Badges for PPG members-NH distributed new badges to those attending the meeting.
  • PPG Suggestion box-this has been moved to the Waiting Room and is stocked with paper. NH and FD will check the content of the box.
  • Pop-up Banner-NH had consulted with the Stamford Practice and obtained a photograph of their banner. AG had suggested that the text be reviewed and adapted for the Headlands PPG. The text would be circulated to members. PW will review  and revise the text.
  • The quote for the  cost of the banner was £58.
  • It was hoped that the  banner would be available for the coffee morning.
  • Webpage update-The Communication Team are collaborating with a new company.
  • It has been decided that photographs will not be added to the webpage ( this applies to the personnel working at the Practice-photographs of events will continue to be posted).

5. Chairs Update

PW reported on a meeting he had attended with all PPG  Lakeside Chairs. The Anima system was discussed, and many people were experiencing similar difficulties.

For example, it was frustrating that the system closed at  and patients were told to try again later. Text boxes were difficult  to complete, the description of medical conditions  was not always a good fit. Attempts to access the “Free text” box was not always successful. Concern had also been raised about patients with sensory or other disabilities.PW noted that the feedback from all the practices would be shared at a future meeting. NH said that patients can still phone the Receptionist to request an appointment or  alternatively attend the surgery in person to book an appointment (although it would be unlikely that they would receive a same day appointment). The surgery can also provide a session on how to use Anima. In terms of capacity, a new GP partner and an Advanced Nurse Practitioner would be starting soon. The GPs had also adjusted their rota to improve availability of appointments. Patients could also contact 111 or access Corby Urgent Care or KGH A/E.

PW outlined the use of a Headlands PPG Facebook page as a workable way forward to potentially give greater spread/ access to the PPG for patients. It may be that this would be helped by having a two-tier structure in the PPG. There could be an Executive team and then patients could be invited to special occasions. NH will explore the coordination from the point of view of the practice and feedback to PW and PB.

Additionally, the PPG need an email so that patients have  a point of contact to  the PPG.NH said she was happy to set this up and will consult with PW and PB. The PPG would check the email.

PW had shared a photograph of our new PPG  noticeboard at the Chairs meeting. It was very well received. Many thanks to FD for all her help in setting up the display.

6. Fundraising Event

Name the Teddy and Jellybean Game -logistics. PB passed around the Name the teddy scratch card ,raffle ticket book and entry cards for guess the number of jellybeans. NH will photocopy the scratchcard and organise the tickets.

Book sale-the book sale had generated a small amount of funds. It was suggested that this could be an ongoing activity-this was agreed.

Raffle and prizes (noted no alcohol). More prizes are needed. Members will bring some prizes to the informal meeting on 25th October or drop them into the surgery.
PK noted that the event does not qualify for any   from the Northants Health Foundation. HM will explore this with one of his contacts.

Promoting coffee morning-recommended that the date and time of the event be placed on the Practice FB and Web  page. It was suggested that a photograph of an Ambulatory BP machine would be a useful addition to the text.

It was agreed that on 26th October, a sign advertising the coffee morning could be placed on the railings outside the surgery to attract passers-by.

Members agreed that the cost of coffee/tea with biscuits would be £1. 
PK has a small cashbox and will bring along a Raffle Ticket Drum.
Further discussion took place about tables, hot water flasks, tea/coffee/milk /biscuits/paper cups. NH will order items and source extra water jugs. 

FD will be attending the coffee morning. PPG members  will arrive at 9.30am to set up the room (or set up Friday afternoon  during the informal meetings if available).

  • Members  offered to take on specific roles.
  • MW  “Meet and Greet”
  • PW and PK  Raffle/Teddy Bear/Jellybeans
  • NM and PB   Drinks/biscuits
  • HM Collecting empties/rubbish

7. Communication with Patients

  • NH will check with MB regarding examples of surveys used previously.

Action Points: 

  • To be discussed at a future meeting.

8. AOB

  • The Surgery Pharmacist will be invited to the PPG meeting on 21st January 2025.
  • PB asked if the surgery would revisit the provision of promotional postcards for the PPG. NH will explore.
  • TM asked how the Surgery was promoting vaccinations. NH noted that clinics are currently running and patients who are housebound will receive a visit.
  • TM asked why NHS letters did not appear on the NHS App. NH noted that they did not control the App.

9. Date and time of next meeting

Informal meeting Friday 25th October at 2pm - final preparation for coffee morning
PPG  meeting Tuesday 12th November at 2pm. 
PPG meeting  Tuesday 21st January at 2pm