Healthcare Team

Social Prescribing Link Worker

Our in house social Prescriber can offer a range of support regarding mild mental health, weight management, smoking cessation, debt management advice and much more.

Community Midwife

The practice midwife can help with all aspects of pregnancy and the postnatal period.  Messages can be left either by ringing the surgery or the labour ward of Kettering Maternity Unit.


Community Nurses

Patients who are housebound or discharged from hospital and require nursing care at home are looked after by district nurses.  Your doctor will arrange for them to call, you cannot refer yourself.


Health Visitors

The Health Visiting Team give support to families with children under the age of 5 years.  They are able to advise on infant feeding, child growth and development, immunisations and the family’s emotional health. 
In addition they are responsible for the safeguarding of pre-school children.

They can be contacted by telephoning the Health Visitor Admin Hub on 0300 1111 022.